This is tissue that we found in his pulmonary artery.
هذا نسيج وجدناه على شريانهالرئوي
The bullet lacerated his pulmonary artery and lodged in his thoracic region.
فلقد مزقت الرصاصة شريانهالرئوي واستقرت في منطقته الصدرية
When we opened him up, we saw that his tumor had eroded his pulmonary artery.
،عندما قمنا بفتحه شاهدنا أن الورم جعل .شريانهالرئوي يتآكل
Then I realized, the tumor had eroded through the pulmonary artery.
أن الورم انتشر عبر .شريانهالرئوي .توقف قلبه
It would if liver failure opened pulmonary av shunts.
سيفعل ان كان فشل الكبد تسبب بفتح وصلة شريانيةرئوية
- Systemic artery to the pulmonary artery. - Through the lungs.
.الجهاز الشريانىّ عامة إلى الشريان الرئوىّ - .عبر الرئتين -
2.3 After withdrawing his appeal against the conviction and sentence the author obtained new advice, which indicated that it would be extraordinary for the Court of Appeal to increase the sentence, given that no cross-appeal was taken by the Crown in respect of the sentence.
وعانى صاحب البلاغ من التهاب رئوي مضاعف، ومن التهاب البالورة، ومن التخثر الشرياني، ومن الانصمام الرئوي، ومن إصابة في المخ بسبب عوز الأوكسجين، نتيجة لهذا العلاج.